Back to School Survival Guide

Back to School Survival Guide


Back-to-school season is here, and you might be feeling a mix of excitement and a little bit of dread. Between getting your older kids out the door on time and managing the needs of your little ones, it can feel like you're running a mini-marathon every morning. But fear not! With a little planning, a splash of creativity, and a good dose of humour, you can make the school run smoother than ever.

Here’s our ultimate back-to-school survival guide to keep mornings fun and (for the most part) stress-free.


Prep the Night Before Like a Pro

The key to a smooth morning starts the night before. Involve your school-age kids in getting ready by making it a fun, family activity:

  • Outfit Planning: Lay out uniform ready with shoes and socks so there's no last-minute scramble because they don’t know where their left shoe has disappeared to.
  • Lunchbox Assembly Line: Set up a snack and sandwich station after dinner. Older kids can help pack their lunches while you whip up drinks or snacks for the little ones.
  • Backpack Check: Get your child to double-check their backpack and make sure any homework, permission slips, and other essentials for the next day are ready to go.


Morning Routines on Auto-Pilot

Create a simple morning routine that everyone can follow. A visual checklist can be super helpful for school-age kids:

  • Wake Up Earlier: Set your alarm 15-30 minutes before the kids to give yourself some quiet time to get organized or simply enjoy a cup of coffee. This small buffer can reduce stress and help you feel more in control.
  • Quick Breakfast: Set out easy breakfast options like cereal, toast, yogurt, or pre-made smoothies. Older kids can grab their own, and you can focus on feeding the baby or toddler.
  • “Race Against the Clock”: Turn the routine into a game! Who can get dressed the fastest? Who can brush their teeth to a song? A little competition makes the morning rush more fun.


Get the Little Ones Involved

Your babies and toddlers can still feel like a part of the action:

  • “Helper” Roles: Give them a small “job” like holding the lunchbox or handing their sibling a snack. It makes them feel included and distracts them while you’re getting everything ready.
  • Sibling Bonding Time: Encourage your school-age kids to spend a few minutes with their younger siblings in the morning. It’s a sweet way to start the day and helps foster a strong sibling bond.


Plan for the Unexpected

Let’s be real—unexpected things happen when you’ve got kids. Be prepared for hiccups with a backup plan:

  • Flexibility is Your Friend: Build in a few extra minutes in your morning routine for unexpected delays.
  • Know Your Backup: Have a quick list of backup babysitters or family members you can call in a pinch if something comes up with the little ones, or a playground Mum that can assist taking your child to school if little one isn’t up to it.


Embrace the Chaos

Some mornings will be more “controlled chaos” than “smooth sailing,” and that’s okay. The key is to try and keep a sense of humour and roll with the punches:

  • Celebrate Small Wins: Did everyone make it out the door on time with shoes on? That’s a win! Celebrate it with a happy dance.
  • Give Yourself Grace: Remember, it’s okay if things don’t go perfectly. What matters most is that your kids feel loved and supported as they head off to school.


Post-Drop-Off Rituals

After the school run, take a moment for yourself before diving into the rest of your day:

  • Coffee and Calm: Make yourself a cuppa and take five minutes to enjoy it while your little one plays. You’ve earned it!
  • Mini-Exercise Break: If time allows, take a walk around the block with the stroller. It’s a great way to reset and start the day with some energy. Make sure to bring your BlinkyWarm or Trip Shade with you for that extra bit of reassurance that your little one will be protected in any weather.


Final Thoughts: Keep It Light, Keep It Fun

Remember, the school run doesn’t have to be a daily battle. By prepping ahead, getting everyone involved, and keeping things light, you can turn those hectic mornings into an opportunity for family bonding and fun. And when things don’t go as planned (because they won’t always), just try to laugh it off and keep moving forward – sometimes that’s easier said than done we know!

Good luck, parents—you’ve got this! Here’s to a fantastic school year filled with happy mornings and a whole lot of learning for everyone.

